Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ew, I'm Growing Up...Gross.

So I found a job from the free career search website we were given in class, and as I found it's actually right in Illinois!

Decatur, Illinois actually. About right smack dab in the middle of it. Or as Jill referred to it, "the armpit of Illinois".
That's not very attractive, Jill.

The Job

WAND-TV is looking for an Internet content producer who has about a 1-2 year experience. I instantly thought that the job description could be something I would be happy with.
The main idea of the job is to hire someone with experience in using PhotoShop and Fireworks, and a basic program language (working with HTML codes).

Ew...I'm Growing Up

The idea of growing up and getting a job is honestly, kind of depressing to me. One of my favorite movies is Peter Pan, and the whole "growing up" concept always seems like the gray cloud that's following shortly behind me; catching up more than I would like it to.

BUT! This job seems more like a career I would like to do, since I have to eventually grow up.
I love playing with PhotoShop and I know that I could learn more. Honestly, I didn't even know there was a program called Fireworks before last night at a business meeting for APO. I'm excited at the idea of learning this, though.

The second that Jill mentioned there were careers out there that are developing for social networking and blogs, I really instantly thought "Where can I sign up?", so I really believe I could excell at something like this.

What Can I Do Now?

I could definitely use my knowledge from my previous classes such as this one and Media Literacy. I also am taking Writing for Electronic Media next year (I'm only a Sophomore) and Fundamentals of the Internet.
Working in the TV Station could also benefit me because then I could have a general idea about what the news staff represents and what they're looking for in an Internet content producer.
Keeping my grades up couldn't hurt either, I suppose.

I hope everyone else in class found something they are just as equally excited about!

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