Tuesday, March 3, 2009

"I Think That Possibly Maybe I'm Falling For You"


love Pictures, Images and Photos

Everyone wants this feeling. Out of all of our emotions, love and hate are the strongest ones. The biggest difference between love and hate is that love makes us feel good.
Marketing executives know this.

And they want to create this feeling when you're watching a commercial.

The article, "What's Love Got to Do With It?" addresses the fact that they want customers to think about what products they buy. Are they number one? Do they make you feel good? Are you in "love" with whatever product you buy, even if it isn't number one?

It's Programmed In Us, Even When We're Little.
Thinking about when I was younger, I always wanted my mom to come home with the "best" product. Especially when it came to food. I wanted the "authentic" Doritos, not the knock-off generic brand. It just didn't taste as good. Yea, they were basically the same thing, but it wasn't the same to me.

When we're purchasing clothing, what makes you feel good? Or better yet, what's the best? Because we want to be cool, happy, successful just like the girls in their commercials. A lot of girls go for Hollister, Ambercrombie & Fitch, Ruehl, and other expensive stores.
Marketers and advertisers for these brands all knew what they were doing when they created their logo or commercial.

All companies want you to fall in love with THEIR brands because once they've got you hooked, it's hard for the consumer to even look at anything else.

A Great Example of This: I love Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi and regular Diet Pepsi. When I go out to buy pop (yes, it's pop, not soda...) I look directly for Pepsi products. Not Coke. It's not the same. I don't love Coke. It's the original cola, yes, but I grew up loving Pepsi. So it is number one to me.

I instantly thought of Kay Jewelers when I was reading this article because marketing strageties are focusing on pulling at your heart strings, making you feel some degree of love.

"Every kiss begins with Kay"

It sticks in your head and instantly know when the phrase is said what they're selling and who's selling it. They also want you to fall in love with their company and products, so by showing commercials that have a happy woman and man in them, you instantly want that feeling and it gives you the idea that "Hey, if they can be that happy, why can't I be that happy after I buy my wife a diamond necklace?"

And generally, after someone takes a chance on a new brand and it works for them, they stay dedicated. Just like falling in love. You don't want to look at any other products similar to it, because yours "is the best because it's never let you down".

I must say, it does make an awful lot of sense; to use love as a strategy.

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