Wednesday, March 11, 2009

That's It! No More Classes Starting After 9 A.M. From Now On!

I'm sure we've all done things we're not proud of. When we were little our mothers or grandparents or teachers taught us that lying wasn't good and stealing was even worse.

But we were also taught that "sharing is caring".

So, when it comes to pirating movies and music...should we feel that guilty?
I guess it's not a matter of feeling guilty, because it's against the law.

I Know Pirating Is Bad, But I Do It Anyway
I think a lot of people are guilty of at some point either downloading songs illegally or downloading a movie and watching from the comfort of their own computer.

But it's easily accessible. We have programs such as LimeWire, BitTorrent, BearShare, and many more that we can find to download for FREE.
It costs nothing from the start. Granted, these programs come with certain features that you can't get with the free version, but I tend to stick with the free download.

I know that I'm a broke college student and paying for my music is far from my mind.

For about four years, I have never thought downloading music to be so bad. I thought 'people are sharing music, I don't have to pay for the cd, and it's all okay'.

Apparently not, after reading this article I really see that the government is really starting to have a lock down on finding people who illegally download music.
Fines of up to 150,000 dollars?!
I don't even have 200 dollars in my account.

The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is not kidding when they mean to catch people illegally downloading music.
College kids seem to be the top stories for when I searched Google.

Movies Get A Different Look When Being Downloaded.
There are many places where you can download movies legally. It's the file sharing websites everyone should be wary of.
As far as downloading movies legally though, there's a cost to it and piracy might eventually lead to a raise in prices of downloading movies legally.

I found it rather annoying in my search as well when I type in "downloading music/movies illegally", and there are websites dedicated to telling someone how to not get caught when commiting piracy.

GenY Wants Everything NOW.
This is exactly WHY I believe illegal downloads are becoming so popular...besides not having to even pay for the media entertainment.

We are so used now to the Internet giving us exactly what we're searching for and music and movies shouldn't be any different...right?

Here's an article I found written by a man who believes there's a different way to address our pirating issue.
I fully agree with Robert's ideas on pirating and how the government can try to hunt down all the people who are downloading illegally, but it can be pretty much guarunteed that they will not be able to find EVERYONE.
He also has some terrific insight on possible different ways to fix the pirating issue.

This is a man who should be helping the RIAA figure out solutions, instead of trying to tackle a problem that doesn't look like it's going away anytime soon.

I mean, c'mon, I've downloaded music illegally for years.

But I am grateful that Lindenwood has their internet system set up to where we have to make sure all of our illegal downloading programs are gone before we can have the internet on our laptops. It definitely takes away from temptation and I find myself doing more valuable things with my time than downloading music that probably can't even all fit on my iPod.
After all, it's only 4 gigs.

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