Friday, February 27, 2009

Only Rule: Never Say No.

Ever since beginning of High School I was dedicated to Theatre. I participated in all of the musicals I could (except Annie, that seemed like zero fun times).

When people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up one of the many changing answers was "rich and famous" or "an actress".
Last year I was a Theatre major at my community college.

Now, here I am, Mass Comm major taking a Jill Falk Survey of Professional Media class.
I still consider it entertainment though.
Professional entertainment, if you will.

So for Sibley Day of course I jumped at the opportunity to attend the Improv Workshop with Proffesor (not sure if that's his correct title) Quiggens.
We played two games.

This was the first game we played. It starts with two people on the main floor. One will be pantomiming (pretending to be doing an action) of anything. Ex: person pretending to be fishing. The next person will walk up to them and simpley ask 'What are you doing?'.

That person pantomiming, our exampling fishing, will say anything ridiculous and opposite of what they're actually doing.
So our fishing man says "Saving the world from Gladiators".

Person #2 that asked the question then has to act out saving the world from Gladiators.

This goes back and forth and you can switch out people in the middle of the game.

Party Quirks
If anyone has seen Whose Line is It Anyway? has seen Party Quirks performed.

It consists of 4-5 people (the number can always be more after everyone gets the hang of the game). One person is the host and must leave the room prior to starting. The others are the guests who get assigned to be either 1. People 2. Object or 3. Animal. When all are assigned the host comes in and let's the guests in one by one after they step off to the side.

The host has to guess what/who each guest is before the game ends. There can always be a time limit added on.

--I thought Whaddareyoudoing?! Was a better game because you get to think on your toes and it's a little bit more freedom with your actions.

Overall I believe Sibley Day to be a success. Everyone should come see and Improv show at the Black Box over in the new Performing Arts building!

At a Renaissance Faire that I work at in Kenosha, Wisconsin we have a group called the IMPROVables. They do the same kind of games.

They're fun to watch!

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